Mixamo & IK Bone Animation

Hello Community!

I’ve been trying to prototype my game using a few Mixamo animations to fill in for the ones I haven’t got round to creating yet. Retargeting and everything was not a problem, the animations look great except for when I enable my foot IK, I noticed the feet remain planted. I discovered this was because the foot IK bones are not animated. So in the retarget manager I set the IK_foot_root to match the root, and the IK_foot_l and IK_foot_r to match the left and right feet respectively. I thought that this would cause the IK bones to inherit the animation from the foot bones, but this doesn’t seem to be the case. I have attached a screenshot showing the problem:

As you can see, the IK bones are correct in the first frame and seem to be more offset from the feet as the animation progresses. I have looked for a solution using Maya also, but copying the curve data from the feet into the IK bones doesn’t give the desired result, as the curve data is in local space, not world space. I am very new to Maya, so if anyone knows how to achieve this then any help is much appreciated!

I also thought about setting the foot IK bones position to the feet position in the animgraph, but I feel there must be a neater solution to this.

Thanks in advance for any help on this!

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