I finally figured this out after weeks and weeks of being completely stumped. The issue is that on the main body texture there are RBG and a sneaky Alpha! His face needs to be applied as a separate material that essentially crosses out the weird face you are seeing.
Create a new material or duplicate your existing body and give it a new name like… Aj_Face
Click on the long attributes node (base color, specular, opacity etc…etc…) and under the details set this material to TRANSPARENT
Under your BASE COLOR drag the top pin to the Base Color as you normally would
Still under BASE COLOR drag the Alpha pin to the EMISSIVE pin
Assign your normal as usual, Your Specular and Roughness map should be the same texture just plugged into different pins.
I am doing this all from memory, and I may be forgetting a step but let me know if this worked as I scoured the internet for almost 3 weeks trying to find a solution.
How can I set it to transparent? I wasnt able to find anythings like this. And also what do you mean with “Under your BASECOLOR drag the Alpha pin to the Base Color” and " drag the alpha pin to emissive pin"?