So I created a character and wanted to prototype some animations using mixamo. So I uploaded my custom mesh to mixamo applied an animation and dowloaded it as an fbx file. Then I imported that file to blender to handle some weight painting weirdness. Next I exported the finished blender product as an fbx as such:
When I import the fbx file into unreal engine I first import a tpose of my rigged character, then I use that skeleton as the skeleton for the fbx file with all of my animation. After doing so all of my animations have something wrong with one of the leg bones as shown below.
I would like to know how to correct this as I’m a bit new to unreal. Thanks in advance, both the blender and unreal community have been very helpful in my journey.
If it’s only affecting one of the leg bones, not the entire animation, perhaps the bone roll somehow got messed up on that bone in Blender. Open your armature in Edit mode in Blender and check in the Item Transform details panel if the Roll is set to some weird value compared to the same bone on the other side (a negative value might be correct, depending on the bone). However, if that’s not the problem, then you may have a retargeting issue (ie. you are attempting to use Unreal Engine animations on a Mixamo skeleton without retargeting). This video is a little dated, but the process still applies (however it demonstrates retargeting UE4 animations onto a Mixamo skeleton:
So when I hit shift-N to recalculate the roll a menu pops up with a lot of different options that I’m having trouble interpreting. How do I recalculate the roll properly?