Mixamo Animation Retargeting

Hi. Never seen that :slight_smile: Does this happens after having used our plugin? Or before, soon after the import in UE4?

If it happens with our plugin:

  1. Workaround: you can manually correct the retargeting pose, save it, and use the correct retargeting pose before doing any animation retargeting.
  2. If you could share the source asset with us, PM me. So we can look at the problem.

Thanks for the timely response, and yes this happens after hitting ā€œre target Mixamo skeletonā€ ā€¦ Setting the show setting to the mannequin pose makes the head rotate into itā€™s chest.
By manually correcting you mean to just do this within Unreal itself?


Alright, so removing all the skeletons and reimporting them again and they worked flawlessly this time, seems to have been some kind of bug that cropped up somewhere along the way. Canā€™t say exactly how to reproduce it but all is working now, thanks for the software :slight_smile:

Happy you solved! :slight_smile:

@Voradori Hi Can you let me know which old packs are affected, as I have several that I have not started using yet and will also contact the asset pack author to implement the fix, thanks.

Thanks that worked perfectly.

does this add the IK joints as well? i need to know this before i buy this.

Dipping bug affected Pushable Blocks asset anims. Itā€™s fixed, and no other cases found for now.

Hi! Not at the moment unfortunately. Maybe weā€™ll add this feature in the future, but we donā€™t have an ETA at the moment.

(I didnā€™t tested it - so this could not apply) Maybe you can add the IK bones directly in UE4, as virtual bones?

Followed the instructions, the retarget Mixamo skeleton asset seems to work good, but when I try to retarget an animation the source is empty?

Nevermind. From the source Sk I had to click preview mesh and click on the SKmesh.

mixamo animation retargeting

hi im Korean sorry my english very badā€¦
i have question
im buy mixamo retargeting plugin and my skeleton create ā€œroot boneā€ Okā€¦
but animation ā€œEnableRootMotionā€ not working
check or not nothing change
not creating red lineā€¦

Hi, no problem :slight_smile:

Unfortunately - at the moment - Mixamo animations canā€™t be used as root motion animations, here more details: Mixamo Animation Retargeting - Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums . Shortly: they donā€™t embed the informations needed by Unreal Engine 4.

Using the plugin, you can add add the root bone and use any UE4 root motion animation with the Mixamo characters.

Having troubleā€¦

I currently have a project in version 4.12.5 (cannot upgrade since it would cause issues with existing code)

I purchased the plugin and installed 4.16 (and 4.14) thinking I could migrate the new targeted ā€œskeleton.uassetā€ to my existing 4.12.5 version projectā€¦ however I cannot seem to migrate the new targeted skeleton.uasset to my 4.12.5 version. (it shows the file migrated folder if I look in windows but when looking at the folder in the unreal editor it shows nothing in the folder.

I installed version 4.14 too - thinking maybe it being closer in versions it would workā€¦ but doesnā€™t work either.

In addition to Migratingā€¦ I also tried ā€œexportingā€ the skeleton - but creates a skeleton.COPY text file (not sure if theres away to get that to work - needs to be renamed? or changed a little to get it to work in another version?)

Any suggestions on how I can get the new skeleton into my 4.12.5 version?

is there a way to export it through fbx and bring it back in?

is there a way to edit the skeleton.uasset file (I opened it in notepad and can see the version - not sure if its setup to never work with previous engines?)



I successfully tested the ā€œmigrationā€ process from UE4.16 to UE4.7 (!):

  1. from your source project (UE4.16), select the asset you want to migrate
  2. right clink on it, then select ā€œAsset Actionsā€ > ā€œMigrateā€¦ā€
  3. a recap of what assets will be migrated is show, click ā€œOkā€
  4. navigate to your target project (UE4.12) and select the ā€œContentā€ directory, then press ā€œSelect Folderā€
  5. the message ā€œContent migration completed successfully!ā€ appears
  6. go to your UE4.12 project and youā€™ll find all the migrated assets (in the same directory names as in the source project)

I also tested the migration of the ā€œskeletonā€ asset only (again from UE4.16 to UE4.7), and it works. Of course if you try to open the skeleton in the destination project, youā€™ll see nothing - as the skeleton has no mesh, itā€™s only a hierarchy of bone names. If you migrate the character skeletal mesh instead, youā€™ll end with both the skeleton and the mesh available in the target project.

Ahoy! Firstly, thanks very much for this asset. Iā€™m having a bit of an issue getting up and running. Using the video instructions, after retargeting my mixamo skeleton to the humanoid UE4 mannequin skeleton, the problem arises when I duplicate and retarget an animation blueprint to my converted mixamo skeleton. The animBPs Iā€™ve tried have been for marketplace assets that also use the default UE4 mannequin, and the result is the animations showing the converted mixamo skeletonā€™s arms inverted and behind the torso (almost like handcuffed behind his back). Any clues as to what could be happening with this? Iā€™m exporting my rigged mixamo character as default FBX in T-Pose and importing the FBX using default settings (at least it should be).

To be a bit more specific, Iā€™m having this issue with arms folding behind the back after reatargeting/duplicating animBPs from Kuboldā€™s animset movement pro pack and the advanced locomotion r2 pack, which as far as I know are also targeted at the default ue4 humanoid mannequin. :slight_smile:

Hi! Two questions:

  1. Does the retargeted animations play correctly outside of your animation blueprint?
  2. Have you tried using them in a new, simpler animation blueprint?

Maybe there is something in the original animation blueprint that doesnā€™t play well with the retargeted skeleton/animations.


  1. The individual retargeted animations that were duplicated over have the issue, like I can see the arms folded behind the character in each of the animation thumbnails.

  2. I did try retargeting the AnimBP from the UE4 sample animations package and the animations seem correct (theyā€™re all holding a gun).

So maybe somehow the skeleton used for the AnimBPs Iā€™m retargeting from Kuboldā€™s animset and the advanced locomotion system are not identical the the skeleton used in the UE4 sample animations package?

Hmm one thought, could there be an issue of doing the mixamo retargeting with A-Pose and the animBP having been created from a UE4 mannequin in T-Pose? I donā€™t really know what Iā€™m talking about, but it does seem that the issue is only with the arms, the rest of the body is perfect.