Mixamo Animation Retargeting

As explained in the plugin description and documentation (and also in the name of the plugin), the plugin works exclusively with the Retargeting system of Unreal Engine. It doesn’t support substituting the skeletons assets.

Hi everyone!

We launched an official Discord server dedicated to our plugins. If you’re using the Mixamo Animation Retargeting plugin, join the server to be informed of updates and special offers (and to keep in touch with us :slight_smile: ):

Discord server: https://discord.gg/PuAyhDctHp

As part of the UE Marketplace Black Friday, some of our plugins are :fire: 30% OFF :fire: now through December 3:


:arrow_right: MULTIWORLD


Remember to join our Discord server for other news: https://discord.gg/PuAyhDctHp

As part of the Unreal Engine Marketplace January Sale, MIXAMO ANIMATION RETARGETING plugin is :fire: 50% OFF :fire: now through January 16:

MIXAMO ANIMATION RETARGETING plugin is on sale until February 13: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/mixamo-animation-retargeting

Discord server: https://discord.gg/PuAyhDctHp

NEW VERSION (FOR UE5): https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/mixamo-animation-retargeting-2

Hi! We published a new plugin developed explicitly for Unreal Engine 5 and its new retargeting system.

Since the first release of Mixamo Animation Retargeting for UE4.14 in 2017, we always released upgrades of this plugin for free. Unreal Engine 5 changed substantially how retargeting works in the engine (see the UE5.0 release notes), and this required a complete rewriting of the foundations of the plugin, that is no more compatible with the UE4 version. The new plugin for UE5, taking advantage of the new features of the engine, includes several enhancements over the UE4 version (including direct support for MetaHuman, that we’ll be available soon).

Remember that you can continue using the original plugin with UE4 and then use the “Migrate Asset” option to migrate all the processed assets to your UE5 project.

If interested in more details about the new plugin, please check the new product page: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/mixamo-animation-retargeting-2

For any question, please join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/PuAyhDctHp

Teaser video

Tutorial video

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Mixamo Animation Retargeting (for UE4) participates to the UE Marketplace Back Friday sale! Get it now: Mixamo Animation Retargeting in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

V2: showcase and first promotion!

We’re very happy to announce that MIXAMO ANIMATION RETARGETING 2 has been selected by Epic Games to be part of the current Showcase rotation in the UE Marketplace!

To celebrate this special event, the plugin is - for the first time - 30% OFF during the promotion!

A good time to upgrade from V1, and to share the news with your friends and colleagues! :slight_smile: