Mixamo Animation Retargeting

Does Mixamo Animation Retartgating plugin only works for UE5 Mannequin? I uploaded my own character for retargeting and it does not give me the option to do so.

(Sorry if this is a dumb question, still new to unreal and animation)

It works for other characters as well, however you need to setup the character properly so that Mixamo can read the model.

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Hey @bxkachii!

Are you asking if you can retarget a Mixamo character to a non-UE5 Skeleton? You would be able to do so without the plugin. The issue is that Mixamo characters use a slightly different hierarchy than the UE5 skeleton, which has more bones, so the plugin bridges that gap. As far as I know, you will need to seek another solution for retargeting a Mixamo character to a non-UE5 standard skeleton, or for retargeting a non-Mixamo character to a UE5 skeleton. Here’s some documentation, I hope it holds the solution for you!

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Yes, I am asking if the plugin can retarget to a non UE5 skeleton. But it seems like the plugin only works with UE5 skeleton?? ( planning to refund it :joy: )

I think I found a video about retargeting Mixamo character to a non-UE5 skeleton Retarget mixamo animation and character in unreal engine 5 final - YouTube . I will try that out, and also seek for more other solutions.

Thank you so much!! :smiley:

Sorry, what do you mean by setting up the character properly?

@bxkachii Yes, that’s correct!

The plugin is specifically meant to map Mixamo characters and animations to the shipped UE5 skeleton, as far as I’m aware. The UE4 skeleton is very doable without a plugin, and if it’s a skeleton from anything else, it’s probably doable by hand, Mixamo is great that way! It’s just that the UE5 skeleton is a bit advanced right now, and Mixamo hasn’t caught up yet with ensuring their exported skeleton covers the bases with the UE5 skelly. :slight_smile:

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