I’m new in the forums, but been using UE4 for a while already. I’m currently working on a character, which I have been trying to rig for the past months, it is my first character ever. So I tried Mixamo last week. Sadly, I discovered Mixamo a bit too late, when it is being taken down. And now I need the scripts of Auto Biped of Mixamo, and I can’t download them because the web is down, and so far I’ve not been able to find them anywhere.
I uploaded the script BUT the 3ds max scripting may not work anymore for the new auto-rigging from the Fuse website. That’s probably why they didn’t put it on Fuse site. But I uploaded the script here so you can try it.
Keep in mind the script wasn’t perfect even a few months ago when it was still on the mixamo site. Even then it didn’t always work the first attempt or would have errors.
Also for any moderators reading, this script was created by people outside of mixamo. "The Autobiped script was created by Ofer Zelichover and Dan Babcock and it is freely released to Mixamo customers." As it’s stated right in the script itself.
Hi, I’m trying to use this script in 3dsmax 2010, I have a 3d model and when I run this script I have this message: “Couldn’t find any character in scene”.
Am I missing something?