Hi, I’m trying to implement a way of mimicing tunnel / bridge wind noise & early reflections and I’ve ran into an issue where I can get my mix modifier to decrease the volume of the sound class but I can’t get it to increase the volume of the sound class.
I’m pretty happy with how it’s coming along however because of this issue, I’ve only been able to get it working opposite to how it should.
Is there something I’m not understanding about sound classes & mix modifiers?
I set the sound class volume to 0 inside the soundclass node graph and even tried it at 0.01 to make sure the sound wasn’t being culled, I can even see in the sound cue debug view that it’s playing but remains at the 0.01 volume.
Is there somewhere else I should be setting the soundclass default volume to 0?
Sound class graph with volume set to 0.01:
Mix modifier with the sound class volume set to transition to 1