Unreal 5.3 newbie here, trying to make sense out of Metahuman, Anim-bp, and Control Rig.
Basically I want to mix some basic animations with some procedurally driven poses using IK. With metahuman I assumed that all those neat rigging controls with smoothing were all baked into control rig without the need to use ‘lookat’-functions on specific bones.
The problem is that either my control rig overrides the entirety of my animations, or the animations entirely override the control rig with seemly no inbetween. What am I missing here??
Base pose component, sitting as expected
Routed through the control rig, and suddenly all pose data is removed
Now I’ve tried different variations of the settings in advanced, and the closest to achieve my goals is setting the root bone as the sole “Output bones to transfer”, but now my control rig adds a weird offset and doesn’t add the extra gaze control I wanted in spine and head!
Adding the root bone to ‘Output bones to transfer’
I want to use these nice new systems, but so far it’s just driving me nuts! Seemingly every metahuman tutorial either just uses basic bone overrides, or just bakes out animations from the control rig. Am I trying to use the feature wrong?
The control rig itself should be the base one from a fresh metahuman. The anim-bp is the body one from metahuman that I’m trying to modify.