Missing vital SceneCaptureReflectActor for real-time planar reflections

Can someone help me on how to use the Planar Reflections Actor? I can make reflections for things like a floor or a wall, but i want to make a mirror like reflection during in-game as seen in the actor itself in editor. Also, is there a way to apply fresnel to the reflection or is not yet implemented?

Fresnel just like full enviroment BRDF should be applied automatically just like for every other reflection method.

But how should I setup the material, so it gets mirror like reflection like this:

But the results I’m getting are those:

You can quickly get a mirror-like material by using a constant value of 1 for the base and metallic values. Then a constant value of 0 for the roughness.

It worked pretty well, but some SSR artifacts appeared. I fixed with a workaround of Post Process Volume and disabled SSR. Is there another way to disable SSR?

Maybe I missed some setting, but is it possible to control the blurriness of the reflections to get the consistent look as with SSR and cubemaps when using Material Roughness input?

Increasing Roughness value in the Material does affect it’s look, but reflections are still perfectly sharp.

I did manage to get some blurry look by setting “Prefilter Roughness” to 0.04 and “Prefilter Roughness Distance” to 0, but that makes it blurry over the whole surface regardless of the Material Roughness. I’m more interested for Material one in case we have masks for Roughness like in case for puddles etc.

4.12 has a very clunky way of excluding objects - you have to call HideComponent on the PlanarReflectionComponent in blueprint. In 4.13 there’s a convenient array that you can add actors to in the details panel.

Unfortunately, no. The only roughness support for planar reflections comes through PrefilterRoughness, and it’s not tied to the material. We may be able to improve this in the future, but supporting variable roughness on planar reflections efficiently while also rendering them at lower res is actually a difficult problem.

Too bad about that, hopefully that gets in some day. Still thanks for planar reflections, really wanted to do proper mirrors for quite some time.