Missing UnrealEditor Executables After Installation on Linux

I have installed Ubuntu and downloaded the Unreal Engine from Github.
After running Setup.sh the editor executable is missing from my PC.

I found another thread (MIssing UnrealEditor Executables After Installation on Linux) which has an unrelated answer and it is closed, So I post my answer here.

According to the official document here (Building On Linux | Unreal Engine Community Wiki) running setup.sh is just the first step and you have to run additional commands also.
You have to use this commands and make sure you run them WITHOUT using super user (sudo) access.


if you compiled successfully then the executable (called binary) will be located in Engine/Binarie/Linux/. Linux keeps everything in a sandbox at user level unless you decide otherwise. You will also have to create an .desktop file in .local/share/applications so you can launch the engine from the menu.

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Do you have to compile it? I’m pretty sure the prebuilt binaries were compiled on ubuntu anyways so they should work well for you.

The primary executable should be found at: Engine/Binaries/Linux/UnrealEditor
From wherever you installed the engine.

Just install this if you don’t know what you’re doing in regards to compiling: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/linux

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