Missing UE4Game binary failed to package for win64

Hello everyone !

i was trying to create an archviz scene for realtime walkthrough but the the problem is failed to create package. it says

Missing UE4Game binary.
You may have to build the UE4 project with your IDE.
Alternatively, build using UnrealBuildTool with the commandline:


[link text][2]

please anybody could help me,?
p.s. im not a programmer im just an archviz guy trying to explore unreal engine so just a beginner.
thank you very much.

Hi jade5765,

Are you using source or binary build of the editor? If it is the former, can you please have a look at this AH thread with a user reporting the same error? Thanks!

what do you mean of binary build of the editor? sorry i’m new with this compiling. I build them in Visual Studio 2013. I just follow the tutorial what is stated in the links.


its ok i got it now, i just build another development build in win64bit and package it in development building, thanks my friend : )

package it in development build i mean sorry

Hey, I’m so glad it’s working for you! Good luck out there.

I had the same problem after loading the engine from github. Solve it very easy. Adding code to your a pure blueprint project (File->Add Code to Project->None). It allows to be packaged from the menu.

This is still happening in 4.21