I can’t get correct collisionmesh transformations for exported blueprint meshes. Placing static meshes in the world directly and export them, give correct transformations for both rendering- and collisionmeshes. Creating a compound blueprint with static mesh components, placing it in the world and exporting it, give wrong transformations (always origin) for the collision meshes (rendering meshes export fine).
Steps to reproduce:
- create new template project (I choose ThirdPerson)
- move existing meshes away from origin
- create new blueprint actor
- add static mesh components (“Linear_Stair_StaticMesh”, “Bump_StaticMesh”)
- place blueprint actor in the world
- since there is another bug (I suppose) with complex collision, you have to set “Collision” → “Collision Complexity” for the static meshes to “project default”
- select all meshes (arena, walkway, blueprint actor) in the world outliner
- “File” → “Export Selected”
- View exported fbx with external programm (I choose blender)
- rendering meshes for the blueprint actor are translated correctly
- collision meshes for the blueprint actor are at the origin