Missing textures using USD/Material X


I’m doing some tests in Houdini for USD assets creation and for materials I’m using MaterialX. When I import those assets into Unreal I notice that the roughness textures are missing, only the roughness which is interesting. do you have any ideas or hints that can help me to?

Thank you!

Which version are you using? Do you have a sample MaterialX file with textures to share with us?

Unreal 5.3, regarding the repro scene, a usd flattened with some textures is good for you?

We would need the USD stage with the mtlx file accompanying it (+textures)

The dev tells me that when reading the USD file, we will get some Materials prim from the USD parsing of the MaterialX that might have some limitations. So in the case where it is a USD non “flattened” we go around it by getting the reference to the original materialx and loading it on the side, through our direct MaterialX import.

From what the dev said I understand you are better loading a USD that is not flattened and picking “mtlx” as the render context of your stage actor.

My USD is not flattened I have USD model based on references and sublayers, my suggestion was to flatten it to give you an easy repro scene but I think I can make a zip file with all dependencies easily.

If I’m not wrong I don’t have a specific .mtlx file as my materials are made in Houdini (all are materialX definitions) so I think inside my mat.usd should be all the material definitions that you need.

I’ll set up that repro scene, thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Here is the repro file:
