Hi, I am getting the following error when trying packaging the app for shipping:
ERROR: Missing precompiled manifest
for ‘Text3D’. This module was most
likely not flagged for being included
in a precompiled build - set
‘PrecompileForTargets =
PrecompileTargetsType.Any;’ in
Text3D.build.cs to override.
PackagingResults: Error: Missing
precompiled manifest for ‘Text3D’.
This module was most likely not
flagged for being included in a
precompiled build - set
‘PrecompileForTargets =
PrecompileTargetsType.Any;’ in
Text3D.build.cs to override.
I tried to include PrecompileTargetsType.Any in the build file of Text3d.
I tried also to put the plugin as a public dependency in the project build files.
It didn’t help.
Some answers I found here suggest to exclude the plugin to overcome the issue but I am using it so it must be packaged.