I will explain. in nDisplay:
Have two nodes. One Display on the first node and two displays on the second. For the two units powering the LED wall. The first node is not an issue.
On the second Node, the Display one is 2640x1408 and the second is 3168x1408.
As picture above on the first image there is a pixel somewhere in the 2640x1408 display. that is missing. On the right of the screen
When I flip the UV (in Unreal) the pixel is missing on the left. So I know its somewhere in the nDisplay setting(everything else we view is fine)
I have tried resizing the Horizontal, making it bigger, smaller; moving the display in the node to the left and right, and this “black/blank” pixel follows the resize or location to that right side!
I have recreated this in two projects and I cant find this missing pixel line anywhere.
Where can I find options to fix this?
No, We have solved other issues, got the nDisplay to work, Mars, Virtual Cam, tracking, but this …pixel is still there, and we are getting ready to implement this on a project!
I am going through all the options on the VP_0 node, Mesh node, UVs and its somewhere in this VP_0 node, since the VP_1 does not have this issue…
My thoughts was in the UV. Mesh for displays comes from blender. I have merged and then separated the verts, so I know they align.
I found the culprit! The UV map on one of the static meshes used for the nDisplay was a bit of.
Interesting that I have two UV maps for each of the elements, yet when deleting one, Unreal still sees two, but only used one of them. Not sure if it sees the order of the UV maps. Will have to test this a bit later, for now I just need to align the UV a bit more…