Missing Montage panel section!(Title update)

You need to open your animation blueprint from the content browser.

Creating an Animation Montage | Unreal Engine Documentation this help? It’s part of the montage editor.

Maybe it changed a bit since the tutorial was made? Looks like it might have moved down to the bottom of the screen? What happens if you add some anim sequences to it?

Hi I am updating the original question because I was asking about the wrong element that was missing. I am looking for the montage panel section, in the Animation montage section.

Running theory is that it was removed or changed, does anyone know about the changes or removal?

This was my original post, I am leaving it in, in case someone was curious, but you don’t need to read this part!
Hi, so I am trying to find the AnimGraph. a few google searches say it is under the My blueprint tab, but as luck would have it, My Blueprint tab is missing. Another few google searches says that I can bring up the My Blueprint tab from the windows dropdown menu, but as you guessed it, the My Blueprint tab is not appearing in the windows drops down menu. Even more, google searches later revealed that a client reset should make it reappear. So I reset my client, it didn’t appear, I reset again, it also didn’t reappear. Short of picking up PC and throwing it out the window, can someone help me with this situation?

Thank you!

Okay, hold the phones, it turns out I am an idiot. I am following a video tutorial, and the part missing in my version of UE is this part compared to the video tutorial

I have searched the googles, and I misunderstood one phrase what it was called, I thought it was called an animgraph. So with that confusion out the way. Sorry about that!

Where do you find this montage part in the engine, because I think I have looked just about everywhere and for the life of me, I can’t find it anywhere!

It still isn’t appearing, let me screenshot the process!
I right-click in the folder and create an Animation montage and assign it the skeletal asset.


I then double-click to open it!

And as you can see the montage section is missing from the tutorial example!

I can add an animation section to it and it will run the animation, but I am looking to blend animations into one, and without the montage section panel, I don’t see a way of doing it.

If they have changed it from version x until 4.26, it would be nice seeing documentation of this change and how it has changed. I guess I will spend the next few hours or days trying to find tutorials or explanations on the changes.

Okay, I seem to have found a video explaining what the changes are, and a quick how to work with the next system.

Not really

Would be helpful if I knew wtf the guy was saying, cant understand his voice.

I think we are following the same tutorial. But I got the solution here.