Missing modules after installing plugin for UE5.3.2 Source Build

Hello, I hope you are doing well. Today, I tried to import a plugin into my Unreal Engine 5.3.2 source version. I created a “Plugins” folder and copied my plugin into it. After that, I generated the Visual Studio project files and opened the .sln file with Visual Studio. I built my project and then tried to open it. However, I received the following message when attempting to open the project.

Check the uplugin file inside of the Plugins folder

it should look something like this

	"FileVersion": 3,
	"FriendlyName": "Advanced Sessions",
	"Version": 5.3,
	"VersionName": "5.3",
    ///....... more file here

it might still have the lower version of the engine set there. It should read 5.3

Second option:

is your project set to 5.3 in the .uproject file?
it should have
"EngineAssociation": "5.3",

Perhaps it’s set to an older version of the egnine?
You can also right click the uproject and switch engine versions there is needed.

My uplugin-file:

	"FileVersion": 3,
	"Version": 1,
	"VersionName": "1.0",
	"FriendlyName": "PlayFabGSDK",
	"Description": "Unreal Integration of the PlayFab GSDK",
	"Category": "PlayFab",
	"CreatedBy": "PlayFab",
	"CreatedByURL": "",
	"DocsURL": "",
	"MarketplaceURL": "",
	"SupportURL": "",
	"CanContainContent": false,
	"IsBetaVersion": true,
	"IsExperimentalVersion": false,
	"Installed": false,
	"Modules": [
			"Name": "PlayFabGSDK",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "EarliestPossible"

But looking now at the error in the 1st post it’s not regarding the plugin but ADV_FPSTemplate. Is that your project name? If so then check the switch engine option and make sure your source compiled engine is picked.

In the plugin the version number may be purely cosmetic.

Sorry, I forgot to explain. The error message occurred because I imported a plugin into my project. However, I have a backup of my project without importing the plugin. I deleted the project with the plugin, so the error message no longer appears, and I can start Unreal normally. BUT: I still need the plugin, so I tried to import it directly into the Unreal Engine 5 source, into the plugin folder of the Unreal Engine. Then I built Unreal again, but I encountered some errors from Visual Studio 2022. (I can send you the errors and the output). I had to remove the plugin from the folder. The UPlugin file I sent you was from the plugin I want to install (PlayFab GDK).

I just installed the plugin into the engine (5.3) and copied the plugins folder into my project. All compiled no problem.

Do you really need to use the 5.3 source version? Have you made modifications to the engine? If not then it’s faster to use the binary version.

Also do you have the 5.3 version of trhe Playfab installed?
in mine I can see "EngineVersion": "5.3.0",

here is my uplugin internals

	"FileVersion": 3,
	"Version": 0,
	"VersionName": "1.132.231110",
	"FriendlyName": "PlayFab Marketplace Plugin",
	"Description": "PlayFab Marketplace plugin for Unreal Engine 5.3 Current API version: 1.132.231110",
	"Category": "PlayFab",
	"CreatedBy": "PlayFab and Phoenix Labs",
	"CreatedByURL": "https://playfab.com/",
	"DocsURL": "https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/gaming/playfab/sdks/unreal/quickstart",
	"MarketplaceURL": "com.epicgames.launcher://ue/marketplace/content/217fdf581b784571af03d3fb6580368f",
	"SupportURL": "https://community.playfab.com/index.html",
	"EngineVersion": "5.3.0",
	"CanContainContent": false,
	"Installed": true,
	"Modules": [
			"Name": "PlayFabCpp",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PreDefault",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "PlayFab",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PreDefault",
			"PlatformAllowList": [
			"Name": "PlayFabCommon",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PreDefault",
			"PlatformAllowList": [

Thanks for your answer. I need the Unreal Engine source because I have to work with a dedicated server for multiplayer functions. What you installed is the “PlayFab SDK”, and I also have that, and the installation went smoothly. Since I want to work with PlayFab servers for multiplayer, I need not only the PlayFab SDK but also the PlayFab GSDK, which is only available on GitHub from PlayFab. Here’s the link to the official PlayFab repository: GitHub - PlayFab/gsdk: Game Server SDK for PlayFab Multiplayer Servers

Got it compiled and running.

Question: are you building the project from your IDE or just running the uproject file?
Because if I try to run the project without the proper compile I get your error, once I compile it runs fine.

Remember to right click the uproject and Generate Visual Studio Files.

Here is the base project
playfabtest.zip (2.2 MB)

Right click the uproject file

  • chose Switch Unreal Engine version
  • pick your source version of 5.3.2
  • on clicking ok it should generate the project.

Run the project solution to open your IDE

  • Pick Development Editor, Win64
  • Make sure the project is set as default (in this case playfabtest), it should be in bold
  • Compile and run
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Thank you! I will try it and I think it will work. But to generate project files, my project needs to be a c++ project, right?

Yes. If you have a blueprint project then you can temporarily remove the plugins (move the folder somewhere) and run the project. Add any new c++ file (can be based on actor or whatever) and the project will automatically be converted to a c++ version.

Move the plugins folder back into the projects folder and then switch to the source version of unreal (switch engines option) and it should generate the vs project.

Thank you so much! It works!

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