I am trying to use the new metahuman animator. I am following this How to Use MetaHuman Animator in Unreal Engine - YouTube, after enabling the plugin and restarting unreal engine I’m not able to open my project. Please see the attached image.
Are you certain that you’re using Unreal Engine 5.2?
That is odd. Are you trying a code project or a blueprint only one?
neither. I’m simply trying to enable and test the new metahuman animator plugin. I’m launching unreal 5.2, creating a new blank project, enabling this plugin and then restarting. my current path of troubleshooting is to uninstall everything related to unreal engine and starting from scratch.
A blank project is a Blueprint only project. That is a good plan. Maybe something happen during the download of the plugin
Hey homie, I had the same problem, After I updated Unreal Engine from the orange Launch Tab the Missing Modules went away. I also modified and updated Visual Studio and set the C++ Tools up like this… >>>Setting Up Visual Studio Development Environment for C++ Projects in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
after completely uninstalling any trace of unreal engine from my computer and reinstalling 5.2, I can now load this plugin without issue. we can close this issue.
Big thanks to everyone for helping. Much appreciated.
Hi there. I am experiencing this exact problem. I am also using 5.2.
Should I uninstall? I have a great little kingdom landscape/river, foliage, some animals completed. I would hate to loose it. My other projects/EG content, seem fine and open. But not the one I am working on. Artist and not a tech guy… Any advice that won’t freak me out?
Thanks B
Reinstalling the plugin should be enough to fix this issue. Let us know if you’re still having problems after that
same problem, now in 5.5