I’ve tried to open the the A Boy And His Kite sample project on a Mac running apple silicon. My understanding is that it should work on MacOs and there are past comments in the forum from Mac users who have been able to do so.
Unfortunately, the project won’t open with the editor. The first message says “Missing A Boy And His Kite Modules” for the “KiteDemo” and “KiteDemoEditor”. I try to rebuild but get an error message saying “ABoyAndHisKite could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.”
As this is a project downloaded from Epic I would expect it to just open. I’ve downloaded the 4.27 version of the project and tried to open that in the 4.27.2 Editor. I also tried downloaded the 4.8 version of the project. I also tried opening the project in the latest editor 5.2.1, I skipped conversion and another time tried converting. After all of these attempts none were successful at opening the project and all of them showed the Missing Modules and could not compile errors described above.
Please does anyone know why this isn’t working and how I could open the project? I’ve installed Visual Studio on Mac and tried opening the project in Xcode but the fixes detailed for Windows don’t appear to work in the same way as on Mac.