Missing Megascans Assets After Migration to Fab


I’ve noticed some inconsistencies regarding the transition of Megascans assets to Fab. According to the official list of deprecated assets (link), 544 assets did not meet the criteria and were not transferred.

However, I couldn’t find the following assets on Fab, even though they are not included in the deprecated list:


I also searched for them considering possible name changes, but they were still not found.
Could you confirm if these assets will be available on Fab in the future?

Thank you for your assistance.

I want to chime in, for the life of me I can not find this “Nordic Beach Rock Formation”:

The other ones link to their respective Fab assets, this one just links to the Fab Quixel collection as a whole. A manual search did not turn up anything either (though some of the assets where shown twice or thrice in t he same search).

I am wondering how many more assets have been removed…

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You can find the asset uldrcdo on Fab here: https://www.fab.com/listings/7370e32b-9172-409d-8ee3-3b9235bafa8f.

However, the second asset ID (ulducap) you mentioned doesn’t seem to return any results on the Megascans website either. Could you please double-check the asset ID?

Thank you for finding the asset “ulducap”! I really appreciate it!
However, this asset was originally named “CANYON SANDSTONE ROCK FORMATION” before Fab was launched.
In the attached photo, the left side is CANYON SANDSTONE ROCK FORMATION, and the right side is Desert Western Cluster Rock Large 05.
It seems that the asset name has been changed, and the lower part of the mesh has been cut off.

Regarding the second asset, CANYON SANDSTONE ROCKS PILE (ulducap), I checked the ID number at the end of the asset name in a project that was using it in UE5.3. This confirms that it definitely existed on Quixel.com before.

So, I’d like to ask again—
Is there any way to obtain the previously used assets, CANYON SANDSTONE ROCK FORMATION and CANYON SANDSTONE ROCKS PILE, on Fab?