I am missing a lot of content I purchased from the Unreal Engine Marketplace. When I logged in, I had only a fraction of the content I had a couple weeks ago. I have tries refreshing, logging out and back on again, and the content is still missing. Any suggestions you may have is greatly appreciated, as I am missing important content I need.
If you use the Vault link on the market place website to choose your asset, you can then click the ‘open in launcher’ button.
I also have everything I’ve bought online regularly disappearing from the Launcher. Sometimes a restart ( of the Launcher ) does it, sometimes leaving it open in the background for quite a while fixes it.
It’s a bit crap…
PS: I just spent the whole morning re-installing the Launcher, mainly because of this. It didn’t uninstall cleanly, and that lead to a world of ‘Windows pain’, but I got there in the end…
Greetings @chanrobe
Welcome back to the Unreal Engine Forum! Were you able to locate your missing content?
Thank you very much. This worked. Very much appreciated.
Excellent! I’ll mark the thread resolved. Have a great week!
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