Missing 'Generate Visual Studio Project Files' in context menu

I am in windows 11, and the same thing here. There is no Generate Visual Studio Project Files

My guide for 5.3 and win 10 (11) - from zero. Like just after bying PC from market.
So do next steps:

  1. Install Visual Studio 2022 with c++ environment. UE5 want msvc v143 platform tools
  2. Install drivers for videocard latest
  3. Install Epic games launcher
  4. Install engine (close egl application)
  5. Try to run engine. Now if all ok - you will see chosing project. If fail - in my case i forgot innstall visual studio with v143, you will see some usefull info.
    5.1. Create a new project - thrid person for example. Blueprint - if u use bp only. Go to “6”
    5.2. Create c++ project - if you use c++. At this step UE will show any errors, which can be finded in google.
  6. You project created and runned and working at all
  7. Open Epic games launcher - and it will show message: “you dont have bindings - would you like to bind” - somthing like that. Push “Bind”
  8. Now you have right click menu

It sounds absolutely obvious, but in case this helps anyone: on Windows 11, when right clicking on your .uproject file, make sure to click on ‘SHOW MORE OPTIONS’.
In my case that did it, it was hiding in plain sight…


Hero <3

Ckeck this too: This does the generation it with a batch file, now hassle with conect menu:

Amazing! This worked! I would have never thought to do that myself :sweat_smile:

The fix that worked for me was that I found a Header file not properly attached to the cpp file, after that the editor started up again. :neutral_face: