Missing folder in installed engine build

I have issues generating an installed build uf UE 5.1.

At first it was missing the Bridge Plugin which I resolved by removing a line in Engine/Build/InstalledEngineFilters.xml.

Now I can open my projects just fine, but the automation tool is not working.

PS C:\UnrealEngine\LocalBuilds\Engine\Windows\Engine\Build\BatchFiles> .\RunUAT.bat -List
Running AutomationTool…
Using bundled DotNet SDK version: 6.0.302
Starting AutomationTool…
Parsing command line: -List
Initializing script modules…
Unhandled exception: One or more errors occurred. (Script module “C:\UnrealEngine\LocalBuilds\Engine\Windows\Engine\Platforms\Hololens\Binaries\DotNET\AutomationTool\AutomationScripts\Platforms\HoloLens\HoloLens.Automation.dll” not found for record “C:\UnrealEngine\LocalBuilds\Engine\Windows\Engine\Intermediate\ScriptModules\HoloLens.Automation.json”)
AutomationTool executed for 0h 0m 0s
AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=0 (Success)

I have fixed that by manually copying the Engine\Platforms\Hololens\Binaries folder from the source folder into the LocalBuilds\Engine\…\Hololens folder. Any clue why the Binaries folder is missing from the build? I digged through the InstalledEngineBuild.xml and InstalledEngineFilters.xml and couldn’t find any obvious exclusions there.

This is how I created the build:

PS C:\UnrealEngine\Engine\Build\BatchFiles> .\runUAT.bat BuildGraph -target=“Make Installed Build Win64” -script=“Engine/Build/InstalledEngineBuild.xml” -set:HostPlatformOnly=true -set:WithFullDebugInfo=true -set:WithDDC=false


having the same issue here.
I build the engine using

E:\unrealengine\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildGraph -target="Make Installed Build Win64" -script="Engine/Build/InstalledEngineBuild.xml" -set:WithMac=false -set:WithAndroid=false -set:WithIOS=false -set:WithTVOS=false -set:WithLinux=false -set:WithLinuxArm64=false -set:WithDDC=false -set:WithHoloLens=false -clean