Missing Feature: Importing Impulse Responses

I am curious if anyone has a smart way to import ALREADY processed IRs, instead of relying on the “Create Impulse Response” function which is sort of half-baked as it wouldnt account for editing/corrective processes let alone how would it know the style of the capture technique and source material used for convoluting and processing a response from?

If we already processed our responses, how do we mark that imported file as an Audio Impulse Response without additional processing, in our testing of the “Create Impulse Response” we can see it altering the source file so it doesnt seem to have any intelligent check for “hey maybe this ALREADY IS an IR?”

to be honest the way it is already implemented doesnt make much sense as it would just degrade the quality in an effort to offer a new feature incorrectly; and really doesn’t help audio implementors gain confidence in using IRs at all

To give another edge case, lets say we have IRs made from DIRACs which would completely skip the “record a sweep” use case (assuming we shared that source sweep which we have no settings for anyway so this whole thing is already incomplete); how would someone import that IR file and change the file type from SoundWave to Audio Impulse Response without ANY processing steps?


maybe a new way of asking:

what are all the ways to make Audio Impulse Response type in UE?