Missing faces from the Mesh while importing fbx into unreal engine

I have modeled a car in Maya and have exported as fbx. When I import the fbx in unreal engine the mesh has some missing faces. So i tried cleaning up the mesh and fliping all the normals outside still the mesh is having the same problem.I tried importing the obj and it does not show any problems in the mesh but in obj the material and mesh name differ from what i had named in Maya.I have provided the screenshots of one the part of how it looks in maya and in unreal engine 4.

Its problem with your 3D model, if you cant flip normals you can always set material two-sided(workaround)

where are the screenshots? all I see are two alt-text tags and their respective icons.

I did not see that the screenshots i uploaded along the post didn’t get posted for some reason so i re-uploaded it now you can see it.