Missing EXE in packaged project after removing any Plugin


I created a blank (blueprint) project (4.20.3) with no starter content and was able to build successfully with an exe. However, if I remove any plugin, my project says it builds successfully but doesn’t include an exe(for either win32 or win64). The only warning I have is “LogDirectoryWatcher: Warning: Failed to begin reading directory changes”.

I’ve tried this in 4.19.2 and the project builds with the exe but has a low level fatal error on start-up.

Is there an extra step to removing plugins besides unchecking them in the plugin list and restarting the engine? I read an answer elsewhere that said I need to open the launcher and click “installed plugins” to remove them but I get a pop-up saying I have no plugins installed.

I’ve also checked this question (https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/374478/cannot-uninstall-plugin.html?sort=oldest) and inside my uproject file I do have:
“Name”: “OculusVR”,
“Enabled”: false

I have this in my CrashReportClient for 4.20, not sure if it’s related: