Missing engine files (textures for M_ShapeMaster)

Whenever I start a new UE4 version built from source, I get a warning that the material Engine/EditorShapes/Materials/M_ShapeMaster.M_ShapeMaster has missing textures. Maybe they weren’t added to the prerequisites package. The missing textures are the following:



Hi ,

Where are you seeing the warning message about these textures? I only received a message after opening the material you mentioned. You are seeing the warning message when you open the Editor?

Yes, when I open the editor, but only on one specific project. I suppose I’m using that material somewhere in my project, but it’s not actually used by the engine itself.

Hi ,

The message I saw was the same as the one you were seeing. I applied that material to an object, then closed and re-opened the project and had the messages appear on startup. I have entered a report about this issue to have it looked into further (UE-6034).


This issue had been fixed for a while, but I just built the engine the from the latest source (4.7 branch), and those 2 textures are missing again.

Hey lxiguis -

We have reopened the Bug report and asked our developers to look at it again.

Thank You for your report

Eric Ketchum

Hi ,

I just wanted to give you a quick update on this issue. I checked this today in our latest internal version of the Engine and the missing textures are back in place. They will be included in a future release version of the Engine.