Missing Editor build configurations

For some reason I no longer has any Editor build options in Visual studio…
I have tried to remove, Intermediate and .vs folder and regenerate the snl file without any luck.

Anyone that knows what might have happen and what I can do

After regenerating the Project.snl file I have

	GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
		DebugGame|Win32 = DebugGame|Win32
		DebugGame|Win64 = DebugGame|Win64
		Development|Win32 = Development|Win32
		Development|Win64 = Development|Win64
		Shipping|Win32 = Shipping|Win32
		Shipping|Win64 = Shipping|Win64

What I have in a new project (and expect to have) is:

	GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
		DebugGame Editor|Win32 = DebugGame Editor|Win32
		DebugGame Editor|Win64 = DebugGame Editor|Win64
		DebugGame|Win32 = DebugGame|Win32
		DebugGame|Win64 = DebugGame|Win64
		Development Editor|Win32 = Development Editor|Win32
		Development Editor|Win64 = Development Editor|Win64
		Development|Win32 = Development|Win32
		Development|Win64 = Development|Win64
		Shipping|Win32 = Shipping|Win32
		Shipping|Win64 = Shipping|Win64


  1. Rename the project folder
  2. Create a new project with the old name
  3. Copy all the stuff from the old project to the new
  4. Profit…