Missing Cubegrids After Crash

I was making a window in UE 5.2 upon completion I raised it up rotated it in the direction I wanted then clicked BakeRS and the editor immediately crashed.

I relaunched everything loaded fine until I tried to grab the window. The 7 pieces of glass had disappeared and the cubegrid meshcards have no information in mesh editor. (pictured)

I tried dragging new objects from the content draw which froze the editor for a few seconds leading to the second crash.

I loaded a third time and looked at deleting the 2 mesh cards to hopefully fix whatever had gone wrong but found the were still being referenced as both asset and memory. I thought about force deleting but don’t know if that would break anything else. The engine ran fine for 20 minutes until I tried to locate the missing meshes then crash again. (First two crashes were within 3 minutes)

Options: Force Delete, Roll Back or Project delete

Force Delete: If I delete these objects what are the chances It will just happen again with the next object I build or causes more crashes? Since I don’t know what specifically caused the crash taking the above action could make things worse.

Roll back: I have a backup on an external drive but don’t know how to re-import any of those files in the zipped folder.

Project delete: Would mean deleting everything and starting again without ever finding out what went wrong.

Is there a tool that can point to why this crash is happening? I tried to read the crash logs myself but don’t understand what I’m reading.

I posted all three crash logs, If any additional information is needed please ask and I will upload it.

Any help would be appreciated.
Game.log (274.1 KB)
Game.log (168.1 KB)
Game.log (162.3 KB)

Hey! I know this is really late but did you have any luck resolving this issue or figuring out how to avoid it? I just had the exact same issue with my cube grid meshes disappearing after crashing, I’m using 5.4