Missing "Content/MetaHumans" Directory

After downloading my custom MetaHuman (MHI_Rod) into my UE 5.2.1 project I opened THE BP_MHI_Rod blueprint only to find it broken with the following errors in the Compiler Results:

Pin for variable 'LLink_Face_Head' recreated, but the variable is missing.
Pin for variable 'Output_Get' recreated, but the variable is missing.
Pin for variable 'LLink_Face_Subj' recreated, but the variable is missing.
Pin for variable 'Output_Get' recreated, but the variable is missing.
Can't connect pins  Return Value  and  Object : This cast has an invalid target type (was the class deleted without a redirect?).
Can't connect pins  Object  and  Return Value : This cast has an invalid target type (was the class deleted without a redirect?).
In use pin  As Face Anim BP  no longer exists on node  Bad cast node . Please refresh node or break links to remove pin.
Could not find a variable named "LLink_Face_Head" in 'BP_MHI_Rod'.
Make sure 'BP_MHI_Rod' has been compiled for  Set LLink_Face_Head
Could not find a variable named "LLink_Face_Subj" in 'BP_MHI_Rod'.
Make sure 'BP_MHI_Rod' has been compiled for  Set LLink_Face_Subj

The broken BP nodes are in the ARKitFaceSetup function.

The broken cast node is for the “Face_AnimBP” cast node. After highlighting the Body blueprint component I realized the missing node is for the blueprint which should be located at “/Game/MetaHumans/Common/Face/Face_AnimBP”:

The “Content/MetaHumans” directory is missing from my project.

  • I tried deactivating and reactivating the MetaHumans plugin in my current project and a different project.
  • I’ve tried creating a brand new project and activating the MetaHumans plugin.
  • My project in on the D: drive so I tried creating a new project in the C: drive.
  • I’ve tried running the Verify command for my UE 5.2.1 installation.

I’ve been working on this issue since yesterday afternoon and the only thing I can confirm is that the “Content/MetaHumans” directory is missing and can’t be installed on my machine.
I’m not seeing any other content on this online so I thought I would share.

I’ll try turning off my firewalls and deactivate and reactivate the MetaHumans plugin as a last resort.

  • UPDATE: This didn’t work.

did you solved?

Yes, but I can’t remember how I resolved the issue.
I think I replaced MetaHumans when I updated my project from UE 5.2 to UE 5.3.
My project is now on UE 5.4 and it’s still working.