Missing Content from library

I had an issue with the content in my library’s vault section not showing up.
if you are in the same situation, dont panic. in my case it was just a matter of waiting some time for everything to load up before it would show.
in my case what happened was that i had just updated and restarted the Epic Games launcher. after opening it back up i went looking for a speciffic plugin to see if it had gotten its update yet but noticed it and about 200 other content packs/plugins had gone missing. while looking for what had happened and trying to figure out why they were missing they all just showed back up. it took almost a half hour for that to happen and they didnt show up one by one, but all at once. os if you just came across this same issue dont worry they are going to show back up just give it some time. take a break and watch some videos or something they should be back in a little bit.

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I’ve got the same problem right now. Will leave it for a bit.