Missing Blueprints in editor graph, still work during gameplay

I have blueprints that are missing. They operate while I play the game. I can see them in their appropiate folder in windows. THey are not listed in the event graph, nor to the sidebar that has list for event graph. I can see the icon for the blueprints in the content drawer. Other actors have their blueprints show.

I was wondering if the problem started when I installed 5.5, from 5.4.4. The issue of 5 particular actors not showing up happens in both versions.

Here is screenshot of editor graph, without blueprints

Here is screenshot of editor graph with blueprints showing

There not too involved so as a last resort I’ll just create ne actor with new blueprints.

BUT, I’d like to know whats going on so in the future if I had a way more elaborate blueprint and didn’t want to create it from scratch.

I read that I can somehow repopulate(not sure of correct term) the blueprint from my windows file of the blueprint. how is this done?


Both of those screen shots look normal to me. Can you describe in more detail what you’re expecting to see that isn’t there?

Blueprints aren’t expected to be listed in the event graph. A blueprint is an asset. Each blueprint has one or more event graphs and those graphs are only visible while editing that specific blueprint.

The only thing I can think of that sounds like what you want is the widget list for user widget blueprints. But that’s specific to building the widget layout and not part of blueprints in general.