Miscellaneous questions about the game

Ensure the Game Mode does not spawn it.

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How to make sure? My character appears on the stage by default.

you need to set your Character/Pawn in the GameMode as Default Pawn.

You can edit thr default GameMode in the Project Preferences under Maps & Modes.

Or you create your own GameModeBase class and set this as GameMode in the same Project Prefs, by overwriting the default one.

Second Way is recommendet!

About your question for physic and dropping the char to floor.
In your Character Blueprint, open the class defaults on the right and search for simulate physics (you can seatch with the searchfield at the top). Tick it so true and the character now has physicsā€¦

In the Construct script, add a Line trace going from thw character location to Character location - (0,0,1000) and set actor location on the traces Hit Point.

And for any other of those Questionsā€¦

I really really REALLY(!!!) recommend you just type in ā€œUnreal Beginner Tutorialā€ in the Youtube Searchfieldā€¦ and no matter what Video you lookā€¦ nearly all of them can help youā€¦
You can find most of your answers instantly, with Video support, on YTā€¦


I donā€™t get it, can you take a screenshot?

I know that I can edit, but I donā€™t know how to edit to solve the problem.

Thanks, this might help.

Thatā€™s what I do, first I try to find the answer myself. The problem is that I donā€™t know English and itā€™s hard for me to understand what is being said in the training videos.

You literally just go into your project Preferences > head to Maps&Modes and see the DefaultGameMode thereā€¦
And right below itā€¦ SelectedGameMode as Collapseable Listā€¦ justā€¦ unfold itā€¦ And place your Character into the DefaultPawn Slot, instead of the DefaultPawn Object.

Okayā€¦ I found Beginner tutorials in English, German, Russian, French, Spanish, Arab, Egyptianā€¦ I even found some in Swahili :sweat_smile:
Soā€¦ I think there might be some tuts for you to goā€¦

ItĀ“s just that most of your Questions are really the utterly fundamental basics of working with the Engineā€¦ The Particle Stuff aside, cause this is something you shouldnĀ“t touch right now, when still dealing with the simple Problems of placing an actor or even just drop the Default Pawn :sweat_smile:


Do you mean this window?

I donā€™t have a character. I need to get this result when starting a standard project.

There shouldnā€™t be a character at all.

I have already mastered the particles.

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In my third-person project, the word ā€œPreviewā€ is written on the floor. How to remove it?

Set your directional light to moveable :slight_smile:

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Thanks, this helped.

I have a character walking animation that consists of two animations with the same number of frames. Separate animation of the legs and separately animation of the hands. For proper walking, I need the animations to work in sync. The characterā€™s arms can perform other actions, such as a block or punch, and then return to the walking animation again. I want the arm animation to always run in sync with the leg animation. What are some ideas to keep the two animations in sync?

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Youā€™ll need to post that as a new question. Animation is not my area :slight_smile:

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