I have 3 bug report folders archived to submit and will post them as 3 separate reports. I had just started using the UE4 Editor and I was really unorganized about this at the time, so I don’t remember what I was doing at the time of each crash and this was several days ago. If I remember correctly, a couple crashes were using the release binary and one is from a build I compiled using xCode. Hopefully the logs will make this clear.
.zip 3:
Hi marcClintDion,
Is this the same crash as reported on this post: UE4 editor in play mode crashed computer - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums
You can post the information about your Mac’s specs here or on that post but I still need them, in addition to the crash report you’ve included, in order to file an official report.
that link seems to be invalid so I can’t be sure. I had 3 or 4 had four crashes under OSX within an hour before I decided to stick with the Windows version. They were all from doing different things. Anyways, I’ve filed the extra info that you requested on the other report page regarding the computer suddenly shutting off when after playing the 3rd person template.
Hi marcClintDion,
I’m closing this as a duplicate thread as I believe it’s the same crash reported here: