MirrorDataTable problem, please check someone

Could someone who have UE5.1 (or even 5.0) please check this project with MirrorDataTable? Cause I have wrong result with Mixamo Skeleton. And I don’t know whether this UE bug or something else. With native UE5.0 skeleton everything works fine.
Here what I’ve got:

And here is the project:

Hey @Alex_D119
you did not add all bones to your MirrorDataTable. If you add Hips to it and add the animation again to the sequencer it should work.

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You are my savior, thanks a lot!!!

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This seems to be a general issue with the way MirrorDataTables are generated by the editor. I have a fully custom skeleton and it exported all bones correctly except the bone which comes directly after my root bone.

Just make sure to have another look when generating a MirrorDataTable whether all bones are added correctly.