Mirror reflection

I don't understand why I see the sky inside the house in a mirror on the wall......

I haven't found a setting that solves this...

Any ideas?


Utilise les « volumes de réflexion ».

Il y a un tuto : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U20wUl1cgwo

Je trouve que cet outil n’est pas très malléable (soucis de taille / échelle de réflexion notamment) mais il peut corriger ton problème.

Avec le Path tracer, les réflexions sont plus réalistes (même ici, sans travail sur la lumière).





Use "reflection probes".

There is a tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U20wUl1cgwo

I find that this tool is not very malleable (concerns of size / scale of reflection in particular) but it can correct your problem.

With the Path tracer, the reflections are more realistic (even here, without light work).




TM version 2022.2

Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.

Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.

128 Go de mémoire Ram.

Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.

Thank you for your answers.

This is a real-time presentation, so the path traceer is turned off.

Since there is also a pool in the project, the path trace also does not play.

The reflection probes tool helped me out, it's much better now.

I would like to note that, for me - as a user - a mirror is a mirror.

What may be needed in the reflection setting should be handled in the surface settings.

(Color, reflection distance, reflection sharpness, blur with distance)

These should also be applied to the glass material.

Placing reflection probes everywhere is not a good solution.

Thanks for the help, by the way, the tip was very useful.