Mirror mesh on a spline

Hi everyone.
I am trying to make a multi lane road using SplineActor but i cannot figure out how to mirror the mesh on the spline. Reason why im not using a two sided road mesh is that change the each piece to different mesh if i want to. any help would be great.

You can try scaling the mesh by -1 in the X axis ( or possibly Y ).

Not quite clear what you mean actually. You could always just use two splines :slight_smile:

  1. image is the result when i mirror the mesh inside the BP. Yes it’s mirroring the mesh but it doesn’t follow the spline path. What i want is make it like the red path.

Ah, you want it like the red path, but with the pavement on the left ( as we view it )?

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For sure, you could do it by having another copy of the material. I’m just trying some other ideas…

Yes, I’d just make another instance of the material with the UV swapped over :slight_smile:

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