Regardless of quaternion interpolation, spinning an object 360 degrees is relatively hard for a beginner depending on the axis you are doing it, and it honestly feels like a bug because it’s clunky. I did the same keyframe and animation in Blender before attempting the sequencer (I was testing workflows), and Blender’s was straight-forward, I only had to place 3 keyframes (0,180,0) and set the last keyframe to vector so the easing is flat. In UEFN, setting 0,180,0 causes this (keep an eye on the small wheel):
The wheel will start spinning backward. Now, I thought this was because it didn’t know which way it should turn, so I added another keyframe (-270) to tell it which direction. It still turns the wrong way because I have quaternion interpolation enabled. If I don’t, this is what happens instead:
And all of this doesn’t happen if the actor is flat, facing up, as seen below:
I am probably doing something wrong, but why does this have to be so complicated? This is a simple 360 and I have to rely on math and changing numbers manually to achieve the desired effect, doing guesswork because I also don’t know the right axis this moves (how can I tell which axis is “pitch” or “roll”? Blender always color codes the axis and marks them with the axis names so its easy to understand). I can’t imagine how complex it must be for large scale projects with animations.