I am still a beginner when it comes to additive animations, so my understanding is limited.
Would be cool if I could visualize the “keep state” of another animation, so I can animate an actor with an additive animation, as I can’t currently see where that actor would be when that animation starts.
To provide an example, think of a door that opens and closes. When it opens, the additive animation will move it to a point. In order to animate the close animation, you ll need to know that point. But you cant see it atm:
Making both animations additive causes an offset that looks like this:
Making the animations absolute will not allow me to rotate the door if I need to make another one (because the absolute saves the yaw rotation).
So what do I do? I am a bit at a loss on how to make this usable currently (and before you tell me the solution is math, I hate math, I am a visual guy).