As a creator I would love more control over my map’s sky and lighting, in the Experience Settings and/ the Skydome Device.
Currently the Skydome Device is not integrated with Verse, although I can use the Legacy version’s User Options. And the Time of Day, Lighting, and Fog settings in the Experience Settings do not update in the UEFN viewport, only in Play mode in the Creative version of the map, which means I have to update the game to see every change in Play mode which is time consuming. I know these will likely be supported soon but for now it’s an inconvenience for me in planning my map’s aesthetics.
My ultimate wish is to be able to create a custom Day/Night Cycle that gradually changes states throughout the day on a schedule. Day/Night cycles can be roughly created in Creative by enabling and disabling Skydomes on a timer, so it would be nice to be able to do that with Verse. That way we could put multiple skydomes into an array. And I could more easily create variables like IsDay or IsNight to hook up with my other events. Still would be nice to make the change gradual as well. The option to specify the length of the day in Experience Settings would help. I could see this being useful for farming games or RPGs.
In Core, some creators programmed super custom and aesthetic day/night cycles, but this required a lot of granular control over a wide range of Skydome settings at runtime, so I understand if this is too complicated for an MVP UEFN. Oh also in Core we have access to real life os.time / day / year, which would be fun in UEFN! Then we could have a real life day/night, or an event that happens only on Wednesdays, or on a specific date, etc. These last two seem like stretch features but I thought I might as well mention them. Thanks!