Minimum body size is too small in physics asset

When creating our physics asset we have to pick 0.1 as the minimum bone size, and the bodys are still way too massive. Even after scaling our character by 10 so he is much much bigger than the example characters the minimum body size is still too large.

Are we missing anything? Some setting we have to change? This is pretty frustrating. Our character was made in Blender, we have a feeling this has to do with the problem.

Yes we have tried this many times, it does not work either. The smallest size we can make the body is still way too large.

I find it’s better to go in and manually add the bones to the body as it is. You will have a better rigid body simulation in the end after editing all the constraints anyway. Just select the bone out of the hierarchy and right click then use the add body option.

It should not matter what size the bones are this way. Might be a little bit more work. But you will have a better result in the end.

so the body itself at it’s smallest scale is too big. Not so much the min bone size for stepping across the mesh. How big is the mesh itself?

Our mesh is 66x1x98, but like I said even 10x the scale at 660x10x980 we get the exact same problem. In the SwingNinja example their mesh is 189x155x213 and in their physics asset you can make bodys very very small. It’s just in the physics asset that we make from our mesh that you can’t scale down very much.

If someone else finds this with a similar problem the way we ended up fixing it was exporting the skeletal mesh from unrealengine, and then importing that. So I’m not sure weather it’s an exporting bug from Blender, or an importing bug in Unreal Engine.

Yeah I got the exact same problem. The scale of the model and the bones is good when in persona or ingame. But in the PhaT editor it behaves as the bones are 100 times smaller than they really are. Would really like some feedback on this as it makes creating a physics asset impossible because.

Had the same issue - your workaround saved me a lot of time - thanks!

That method fixed one of our problems but not all of them. The solution we ended up using was a plugin for Blender.

Hope that helps!

I also had the “Bone size too small cannot create physics asset” error. Turns out… it’s probably a bug in Blender. There is a ticket for it and there is a workaround described:

I’ve figured out a workaround for that, works in Blender 2.78:

  1. In Blender, scale your mesh & armature x10
  2. Hit Ctrl + A → (Apply) Rotation & Scale
  3. In FBX export options set it like this, with Scale == 0.1:
    … Then import it to UE with default settings, scale 1.0, etc. … This way the error is gone.

If you still have the error, just scale it x100 and export with 0.01, and so on.

“I’ve figured out a workaround for that, works in Blender 2.78:”
This isn’t working for me. The rig is all scaling nicely now so I can finally add the body’s to the Physics Asset, but the animation still stays at the same scale - so now my character appears to be walking on the spot.
Also, I am trying to import a character with clothing that I added in Blender but when I do the cloth simulation the fabric falls straight through the model. I suspect this is because the entire Physics Asset is now working at the smaller scale.
Does anyone else have any solutions for this problem please?

What I am untlimately trying to do is to add clothing created in Marvelous Designer to an animated avatar (animated in Mixamo), import this into Unreal and then create a cloth simulation that with a collision that prevent the cloth from intersecting the character when it moves.

Is this fixed in the newest version of Blender?

you can search in the physics body details for the “radius” and “length”, then adjust the size in the array directly… it’s way better than using the graphics tools that don’t do anything

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