Requesting a slight rethink of the way the editor’s outliner works. Keep folders collapsed by default. Maybe highlight the corresponding folder. Maybe add a hotkey to expend the selected objects folder.
Currently, anytime an actor is selected in the viewport it’s folder is expanded in the outliner. If I have a neatly organized outliner, with all actors in folders and collapsed, within minutes of interacting with actors in the viewport, the outliner is all but completely expanded. Now a user needs to either collapse the entire outline by shift-selecting the root, or scroll through a potentially large list of actors to reach the parent folders.
Requesting a simplified approach to the outliner so that all folders stay collapsed by default. Maybe it’s an option to expand when clicked.
The outliner loses its usefulness when it turns into an unending list of expanded folders.
This would mirror Maya’s behavior. I can’t think of a use case where auto-expanding folders is desirable. If the user wants to see the items in the folder, they can expand it with a click or tap a key.