Minimalist Interior Visualization(Lighting Test)

This is my new lighting test, trying to learn “BaseLightmass.ini” with experiments and practice. Scene is inspired by - Micro-apartment in Berlin / spamroom + johnpaulcoss | ArchDaily and chair is free modal from
C&C are more then welcome.

Interior Architectural Visualization in unreal engine. - YouTube Interactive Interior Visualization in Unreal Engine. - YouTube






Plain white stuff is a nightmare for lightmass… Really nice and smooth results you got there, man! Congrats! :smiley:
Hope you could share some tips about the tweaks with us… :rolleyes:

Hi ,
Very nice and smooth, especially the details are very clear.
could you share your workflow?

I have a quick question:

How to export/Import the model ? I use 3dmax, need export each mesh to FBX then import to UE and arrange the positon?

Thank you in advance!

You can export all meshes at once, import that .FBX and untick combine meshes in the import dialog box. From the content browser you select all your meshes and drop them in the viewport. They’re all going to be at the right place like in 3ds max! :slight_smile: You can also use CTRL+G / SHIFT+G to group ungroup some of the meshes after that if you need!

heartlessphil said it all, no need to export individual objects but when you import in UE just remember to uncheck “Combine Mesh”, other thing that is super imp is the management of UVs for texture and lightmass(hope you know how to assign the UVs to different channels).

how do you prevent color bleeding?

Thank you very much of your answers!

When I follow your steps import FBX to UE, there more questions are rising up. I think most new UE fans will have same questions, we may need to write a tutorial step by step, teach how to edit a model suitable for UE.

As you mentioned “assign the UVs” , that means in the 3dmax each object need use"Unwrap UVW’ edit the UV ?
could you spend a few minutes to make a video tutorial that will be very helpfully.

Thank you again!

The only thing you MUST do despite everything you’ve already been doing for archviz in 3DS is to assign a new non-overlapping mapping in the second map channel of each one of your objects.

So lets say that you have a table and it has a UVW map that you have already applied to adjust its materials. Then after that you apply the Unwrap UVW and make sure to set the “Map Channel” to “2” (you can see that at the very end of the printscreen you’ve just posted. Then you click “Open UV Editor”, select all the faces and spread it by face angles (or anything you like, but you must be sure there won’t be any overlapping faces). Unreal needs that second channel to apply the light results of its calculation to every object in your scene after you build lights using lightmaps. There are tricks and tips to improve that mapping, its a critical stuff to get nice lighting in your scene. You should read this to get a better idea: Understanding Lightmapping in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation

One tip: every time you read anyone talking about something in Unreal that you don’t know yet, look for it at UE4 documentation. You’ll end up learning a lot of nice and important stuff (that people will probably bypass in a forum answer or archviz straight forward tutorial) that will save you a lot of hard time struggling to get nice results in the future. :smiley:

I second everything said! You can learn alot of stuff from the official documentation.

And after that:

And as a tip to save a lot of time wondering and waiting answer forum. I know that the forum is to help, but I have resolved many doubts at the official aid unreal.

There will be things to ask, but I highly recommend, consult the official help of unreal because it is fabulous and this very very very very well done.

All the doubts that exist in the forum, I have had the well. And look at the aid has helped me to resolve them quickly.

Not trying to say that people do not ask. I want to express the satisfaction as a user to see who bothered to do it as well.

Thank you all of your helps.
I’m keep trying and learning.


i have a question:for tweaking the baselightmass.ini should only tweak the [DevOptions.StaticLightingProductionQuality]??
what about other parts like [DevOptions.PhotonMapping]?

How to you make images? print screen or take highresshot? I don’t see much aliasing which is nice.

Hi, I always like to extract selected images rendered through matinee in 4K resolution with console variable commands applied at level blueprint(eg SSR, anti aliasing etc)

For the starting you should always try tweaking the Lightmass properties in world settings, if results are unsatisfactory then we will tweak the baselightmass.ini, that too with caution, increasing individual values and noticing there effect. It’s a good point to start from tweaking values in [DevOptions.StaticLightingProductionQuality] and then moving to the other options like [DevOptions.PhotonMapping]. Always try to move in incremental steps. For better understanding of baselightmass.ini you can try downloading “sceneExport.h” file from source code of unreal engine on git-hub it contains explanations of the parameters given in baselightmass.ini.

Very Well said. :cool:

I am using LUT in this scene for the color correction and particular mood. nothing fancy.

Hey !
On the begginging I thought we are working on the same flat, but no, it’s just very, very simmilar. That’s funny because the flat i’am working on is the same dimmensions but has one more tiny room on the other side of the corridor, and different windows shapes. Although I have made few projects in EU4 allready and i thought i am able to set up lighting properly i can’t get satisfactonary results.

I fully understand double UV mapping, am using spot lights on reflecting planes to cause a decent indirect lighting, diffuse boost on 1 and exposure 1.5/1.5/1 without good effect. I have also made ‘black boxes’ around and inside every wall. I had no errors while batch importing scene to UE4, no errors on maps. Maps resolution is set as high as 512 for all meshes. All walls are the same material but look different. One of the wall is plain white after light build but it should be black as there is no light source of any kind, all the setting for that wall are same to others. I am very confused right now, moreover my logitech mx anywhere went crazy with left button what makes me just mad.

Please help me with some advice cause my deadline is getting close. Screenshots are form high/default build (1), and Koola’s .ini setting on production (2). (my previous demo: Biecz hillview house UE4 archviz Czech Architektów - YouTube)


(2) I’am unable to upload the second image at the moment. It’s after Koolas .ini build settings and it rather look worse. I’ll try to upload it later.

Guys, please help, what do you think, what is cousing the grey walls, and especially the white one?

It must be your lightmaps then, can you post a screen of the lightmap of one of the problematic wall? Your previous demo looks quite good tho, wonder what’s going wrong this time!

Black spots around edges could mean not enough space between uv islands!

Walls are meshes or brushes? brushes resolution works the opposite way, the lower the value the better the quality…32,16,8,4,2 etc.