Minimalist Interface Package

Very nice! I’ll be buying this.

I echo that settings for customizing globally color and fonts would be highly desired. Also I’m working on an MMO prototype so more UI for that type game would be awesome.

Thank you everyone for the amazing support, Minimalist Interface Package is now live on the Marketplace! I’ll be updating the project slowly and as requested, the next update will also include PSDs; sadly I was not able to incorporate global color variables just yet into the widgets, but I’ll be putting that in the new update, so please feel free to wait on purchasing the package if you were heavily interested in global colors/fonts, but I promise to get that into the package asap!

You can find the asset at: Minimalist Interface Package v2 in Blueprints - UE Marketplace

Is there an ETA for the next update? :smiley:
I would like to start incorporating this asset into my project, but the next update promises quite the overhaul, if I am not mistaken.

Hey rYuxq!

No ETA just yet, but I should have some time in a week or so to get some stuff started. The next update should include a whole lot of stuff, I’ll be sure to keep an update log/changelog ready for you guys! :slight_smile:

I’m happy about the new content :smiley:

But I was mainly thinking about the existing content. If I start incorporating your asset now, I fear that your update will break my project. So let me ask again in a different way: is it possible to release the update to the existing content anytime soon?

Oh my apologies! I understand your question now; I’m not exactly sure, because I might be editing a few of the current widget blueprints to be up to date with the next updated content. I’d say wait until the update before importing the current project (if you really want the additional things; I’ll be releasing a list of what I’ll be working on soon); that’s probably the safest route. :slight_smile:

Is it possible for there to be an animation for when the widget gets removed from the viewport? I tried Event Destruct but it looks like that doesn’t work. Would I have to manually play an animation for the widget before removing it?

Super late reply, my apologies, I imagine you already figured this out but for those who are wondering the same question;

Removing a widget is as simple as playing the animation in Reverse, Event Destruct wouldn’t really work, you’d have to create a function that plays the animation, does a delay until the animation is complete, and then you would ‘Remove from Parent’, which hides the widget.

Hope that is helpful!