Mini Golf shooting mechanic

Hi there, first post here. I’m working on a mini golf project, and my goal is to have the
Controller left stick up/down affect a Power meter progress bar,
the Right stick aiming the camera with an arrow showing the angle, and then of course
A/X to shoot the ball at the desired power and angle.
I’ve spent all week watching videos and reading forum posts here and testing different methods that i was able to find but couldn’t get the results I’m trying to achieve here. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Something like this?

Which element of all this are you having issues with?

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I saw this and have tried to replicate it to learn but I’m missing a few nodes and i would rather map it to a controller and have it function differently anyway. thank you though.
I would really prefer a push stick forward/back to add/decrease shot power shown by a progress bar and then hit a button to apply that force.

The script there is just an example of the mechanics / method. Adapt it to your needs, hook it up to the desired input.