Mindmap of classes/frameworks

Hi all!
Would anyone else find it super helpful to see a mind map of the different frameworks and classes in ue4? How do game-state and game mode relate to each other. What code should I put in the level blueprint and when should I avoid it? When do I make an actor blueprint and not a static mesh actor blueprint?

I’m imagining a mindmap or flow chart to show relationships, descriptive text with short examples and maybe even some tips to promote best practices. I’ve read a lot and watched live training and youtube videos so I want to say that I have a pretty good grasp of the engine over all but this still confuses me. Most tutorials go over specific things but I think that this would help set users up for success. I think that it would be a great resource to come back to and have a quick look at and to get a overhead view. At the moment I read the tooltips of the different things but I can’t really see the overall picture from doing that.

What do you guys think? Would this be helpful to you? Is it just a waste of time? Is there already something like this that I’ve missed?
I would love to hear your thoughts on this!


Many questions in one post :slight_smile:

Start from this short article: game mode vs game state.

The most comprehensive source explaining the architecture of gameplay framework is Network Compendium by eXi.

You didn’t mention this topic, but essential to get a general overview on balancing blueprints and C++

Speaking of level blueprints… Don’t use if you can script logic in actors/objects or using editors dedicated to specific systems. Think of object-oriented programming.
It’s easy to create a mess if you’d rely heavily on level blueprints. It’s very useful for prototyping or scripting a game based on crazy custom logic every minute. Although always you can put some repetitive logic to regular blueprints.
If you gonna build any systems or it’s a multiplayer game, I’d consider avoiding level blueprints as good practice. If you’d end up having a big chunk of game logic directly in level, it’s gonna be difficult to reuse it, maintain and refactor.