Hello, i want to get from 5 random integers least integer . Can i use Min(int) for this?
If i add 5 random numbers (example) , 55 , 83,12 , 24, 50 will min (int) get 12?
Please describe your problem in more detail and give it a proper title. You haven’t even made clear if you want to use blueprints or c++.
I wan to use blueprint and i want to get from 5 integers the least. Min (int) make sixth integer. How to get from this 5 integers least?
Greetings @anonymous_user_985343a3,
does this suits your need?
the make array have integers and the following process will always be printing the lowest value of them
Hope it helps!
oh , forgot the random part , can you figure it out ? or need help?
I can make the random this is not problem, thanks.
ok, so are you still stuck at the open-close inventory question?(just went through it , where you press I to open inventry).
Sory this cant help me, I need from BP which can from 5 random integers example 24, 67, 12 ,69,98 to choose 12. I will make AI, which will make random things and with integers i will simulate his random choose in random situations. All is ready, only i cant make him to know which is the least integer when he make choose.
what random things will he have to choose from? where is the problem? casting?
the integers will only be 5 ,right? (6th will be generated)
I will make simple stats in him and when he is hunger or thirsty with some algorithm he can choose what to do. My problem is in this he dont know what want more, because i cant make him to see the least integer. They are not only 2 integers. He must to check from all stats which is least and to make this which he want.
can you share a pic of the BP of this AI?
where the values are calculated of his stats
yes now but is very very ugly
no prob, you will die when you see how i work…
His stats and now 5 and i will make them after this. This take his curect stats xx/100 and plus Random integer in range 0-20 this give to him some random choose what he want to do. He will have hunger, thirsty and more stats.
Thank you for your help, but now i must to stand for 3-4 hours. I will come back to see your answer.