After seeing the shocking new from hearing Sweeney (Thanks dude!!) that UE4 (besides UT being right now as free game) is free too with the condition if your work is successful or if the profit surpass certain percentage only 5% would go to Epic and not forgetting being the UE4 free.
The big question is targeted not only to mappers, modders, gamer makers not only from UT world, its not for all people how they are trying to create contents, games I am talking to normal people like me that are gamers (casual or pro, whatever skill degree do you have) is:
I would not have any problem to donating to Epic an amount of money that you want choose to freely (whatever amount for example: 5 dollars, 1 dolars, 10 dollars whatever you think) they deserve gratitute for this great move from Epic because I am not a mapper nor modder nor programmer etc…Im a normal guy who loves UT, unreal and Fornite I think this could be a sane and good (maybe Epic dont think so) way to get a life for them. If you love something, do something good for them too.
Would you like to donate some money to Epic to having put for free the UE 4? What do you think Epic and you guys?
could Epic, if they want, put some link button for donation (example paypal or so) in visible places in the official website or on their blog, facebook dunno?
Thanks Epic! My recognition for you guys, thanks Sweeney, Flak and staff forum for keeping a open-minded attitude in the hard process of creating games!
I would definitely donate. But I have a feeling that Epic wouldn’t do something like that, might look bad or something.
Anyways, Epic deserve to be praised, they’re truly generous and the single most game changing(literally) entity in the game development community.
I think that if Epic wanted the money then they would have kept the subscription I am going to use my $19 a month to either buy assets from the marketplace or spread it around the community as best I can
Maybe donating could be another way to encourage to their staff (sweeney, perna, etc) to follow updating their engine, for me is a win win solution dont you think? you know updates, creating some contents, wiki etc…
They said they were going to continue updating the engine anyway … so I am not sure we have to sweeten the pot to make them keep the engine updated.
Remember that they still get 5% revenue from released games (over $3000 each quarter) and they still take 30% from all Marketplace sales (if I remember correctly). I think the best way is to create content for the Marketplace, make your games, and buy content from the Marketplace … this is a true win-win in my opinion. 8-}
Anyway the question is for all non participants or competitors creating contents, (players mostly), beside the marpektplace apart ( you could choose or not choose not to buy anything if you dont want spent many money… dunno) lol
Absolutely agree. But I don’t think that’s something Epic would be willing to do. Until they do, I guess we can always buy merchandise and assets in the marketplace to give our support.
Or they can do both things hint hint :), they should not necessarily to give up or leave apart one of both bussiness models (one is donating, other is percentages per sales and the other is marketplaces is there is some price for the contents), they can be used together as “some differents ways” to financiate Epic.
If you want to support the Devs I’d suggest buying from the Marketplace. Epic gets some tip jar money, a content creator gets thanked for their hard work, and you get more stuff.
I’m not sure about donating as this has been a business decision and they’re not going hungry because they made the engine free
But I would throw a few coppers into a pot to buy the team beers, cake, cats etc. They’ve done a lot for the community so that seems like a nice way to say thankyou