Migration from 5.0.3 to 5.1 broke a floating combat text widget

Check out the two videos. The first video shows my two widgets working as intended in 5.0.3. The second is the same project migrated to 5.1, with no changes to the blueprints (aside from a print string I put in to try and debug).

Any idea why my text moved up to the top left corner in 5.1 opposed to coming off the character in 5.0.3?



Widget Blueprint

Widget’s Timer Function

Getting variable info from the spawning component

The spawning function referenced in the above screenshot

Again, all this code works in 5.0.3, but in 5.1, the same code spawns the numbers in the top left corner of the screen.

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set position in viewport no longer works try something like this

Thanks! It seems this is a bug with “Set Position in Viewport”. I’ll implement your work around until they update it (if they update it).

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From what I understand it’s not a bug they are going
Through a different route now so this will be depreciated and removed eventually afaik

Lol another update it is in fact a big but who knows when the patch will be here

Haha, well that’s heartening to know it was unintentional. I was wondering what the benefit was of cutting it and not adding an alternative. Assumed the reason to cut it would be to address an under-the-hood/behind-the-scenes performance issue or something.

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For real I was so confused at first when someone claimed it was intentional